
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Arbonne and Diabetes

I recently hosted an Arbonne Party.
What is Arbonne? Well its a company that sells beauty and health products. I compare it to Mary Kay, but its supposed to be "better" than Mary Kay because its a Swiss company that follows Swiss regulations rather than USA product regulations. My sales rep Sue said that over seas there are much stricter and tighter regulations on companies making products for human use. Arbonne's Promise is to deliver pure, safe and beneficial products in line with their botanical tradition.
I'm not a good sales person, and I don't know enough about the company, but my sale's rep Sue did do a really good job convincing me this is a quality product.

I ended up buying:
"Digestion Plus" A package of single serving of flavored powder which provides prebiotics, which help to support optimal digestive health. The powder you add to a beverage and drink it. I decided on this because honestly I don't have the best digestive health. Also Sue explained when you take antibiotics, the medicine kills off the good prebiotics in your body. I've taken antibiotics a lot recently, so I figured this would help. Additionally, Sue said prebiotics in yogurt don't always work because if the yogurt isn't keep at the exact needed temperature the entire life of the yogurt, the prebiotics will die. Your yogurt will be fine, but you'll just be eating regular old yogurt. She explained that Arbonne's Digestion Plus packs are fast freeze dried so that the prebiotics don't die and are useful to you once you drink them. Sounds good to me, lets see how they work.
I also bought
"Herbal Detox Tea" I decided to buy this because the description said that ingredients in the tea support "the liver and kidneys for overall health." As a diabetic, giving a little boost to my liver and kidneys sounded like a good idea.

I also got
"Nourishing Daily Shampoo" Shampoo isn't too exciting, but this shampoo is supposed to be really good and I have really picky hair. Plus Sue said this shampoo works well for frizzy hair.

And finally, the last thing I bought is:
"Conditioning Body Moisture" I have some of the driest skin in the world. Sue did an excellent job of explaining why lotion we buy in the grocery store is so bad for us. I had no idea Mineral Oil is a bad thing! Did you know Mineral Oil is a byproduct of making gasoline?!? Yuck. So hopefully this lotion will help and maybe I won't get cancer now.

I'll blog about how these products work out. There are actually a lot more Arbonne products I was interested in buying but because they are kind of pricey (paying for quality here), I will have to pace myself.